La Roche-posay Toleriane Double Repair Moisturizer Uv Reviews
Nearly Viewed Face Moisturizer Products
A picayune greasy and pills under makeup. Will non repurchase as I accept oily skin and wearable foundation during the mean solar day. If you take dry skin and don't desire to clothing makeup during the day, you may like it.
Near reviewer (57 reviews)
Age 44-55
Skin Oily, Off-white-Medium, Warm
Hair Brunette, Curly, Medium
Optics Brown
I really like this daytime moisturizer w/ spf 30. I'm one of those people that has to accept sunscreen in their moisturizer otherwise I won't wear it (out of laziness). I have acne prone, sensitive...
Almost reviewer (138 reviews)
Age xxx-35
Skin Dry out, Fair-Medium
Pilus Brunette
Eyes Brown
This doesn't moisturize plenty and wears poorly under my foundation. In certain lighting it looks groovy smashing and luminescent (not in a greasy mode though) but when I examine the skin up close it...
About reviewer (33 reviews)
Age 36-43
Skin Combination, Fair, Cool
Hair Blond, Relaxed, Other
Optics Bluish
I like this! It's unscented, it doesn't sting my eyes, it's moisturizing enough for combo-oily skin that I don't need to wear another moisturizer underneath it. I do wish information technology didn't contain...
About reviewer (94 reviews)
Age xxx-35
Skin Acne-decumbent, Off-white, Neutral
Pilus Brunette, Wavy, Medium
Eyes Hazel
ok, i have used upwards two of these and am on my tertiary now. i would give this iii.five stars so i'm rounding up to four, although this is definitely not a solid iv production for me. i do similar it and call up information technology does...
About reviewer (viii reviews)
Age 36-43
Skin Acne-prone, Olive
Pilus Brunette
Eyes Brown
I don't know what is in this that makes my eyes burn and my olfactory organ runny. Too bad because a moisturizer with SPF thirty is a big plus for me. I'll apply it up on my body.
About reviewer (104 reviews)
Age 56 & Over
Pare Combination
Hair Brown
Eyes Blue
First of all I desire to say that if you have acne prone, or even are prone to the occasional breakouts, I would not recommend this product because information technology contains a couple of ingredients that tin can...
Near reviewer (705 reviews)
Age 25-29
Skin Dry, Fair-Medium, Not Certain
Hair Brown, Other, Other
Eyes Brown
Very heavy on the sunscreen, smells strongly of it and burns if you lot accidentally get information technology in your eyes. I've decided to stop wearing facial moisturizers with sunscreen for the eye burning reason and...
About reviewer (31 reviews)
Age 30-35
Skin Acne-decumbent, Fair-Medium, Neutral
Hair Chocolate-brown, Curly, Medium
Eyes Brown
Right now, this is my applied, going-out sunscreen moisturizer - especially since my skin needs extra protection in this summer heat. I use a unlike moisturizer for hydration. La Roche-Posay...
Almost reviewer (344 reviews)
Historic period 19-24
Skin Dry, Off-white, Neutral
Hair Black, Directly, Medium
Eyes Brownish
This is definitely not for anyone with dry out peel. I accept been doing well with the LRP anthelios AOX serum which, in my stance, leaves my peel feeling more hydrated than this. I would think this...
Near reviewer (363 reviews)
Age 44-55
Skin Dry, Off-white, Cool
Hair Blond, Wavy, Fine
Eyes Bluish
A little greasy and pills under makeup. Will non repurchase as I have oily skin and wear foundation during the solar day. If you have dry skin and don't desire to wear makeup during the 24-hour interval, you may like it.
About reviewer (57 reviews)
Age 44-55
Skin Oily, Fair-Medium, Warm
Hair Brunette, Curly, Medium
Optics Brown
I really like this daytime moisturizer w/ spf 30. I'm one of those people that has to have sunscreen in their moisturizer otherwise I won't article of clothing it (out of laziness). I accept acne decumbent, sensitive...
Nearly reviewer (138 reviews)
Age 30-35
Skin Dry, Off-white-Medium
Pilus Brunette
Eyes Chocolate-brown
This doesn't moisturize plenty and wears poorly under my foundation. In certain lighting it looks bully smashing and luminescent (not in a greasy way though) but when I examine the skin up shut information technology...
About reviewer (33 reviews)
Historic period 36-43
Peel Combination, Fair, Cool
Hair Blond, Relaxed, Other
Eyes Bluish
I like this! Information technology's unscented, it doesn't sting my eyes, it's moisturizing plenty for combo-oily skin that I don't need to wear some other moisturizer underneath it. I do wish it didn't comprise...
Nigh reviewer (94 reviews)
Historic period 30-35
Skin Acne-decumbent, Fair, Neutral
Hair Brunette, Wavy, Medium
Eyes Hazel
ok, i take used upwards two of these and am on my third now. i would give this three.5 stars so i'm rounding up to 4, although this is definitely not a solid 4 product for me. i do like it and think it does...
Nearly reviewer (8 reviews)
Age 36-43
Skin Acne-prone, Olive
Hair Brunette
Optics Brown
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